My thoughts on our recent performance

It’s now exactly one month since my ‘Beyond the Stars’ event at Dubai EXPO. I’ve been quiet on social media while I was focused on the preparations and post-production phases of the concert, but I’m delighted to announce its release today!

Performing at Dubai EXPO last month was a truly unforgettable experience. The audiences, the musicians, the production team – everyone made what began as a singular vision into an astonishingly beautiful and multi-layered reality!

It must be remembered that the concert came together under the extremely challenging circumstances of Covid restrictions. It was the first concert for all of us since the pandemic started, and many layers of precautions were in place.

I give few concerts (even pre-pandemic) but I felt honoured to participate in the EXPO event whose theme – Connecting Minds, Creating the Future ­ – is close to my heart. I opened the concert with a new composition, ‘Knowing One Another’, an instrumental work inspired by a Quranic verse that says in part: “… We have created you nations and tribes that you may come to know one another.” It’s a composition that speaks to the ways we interact and to the unitive power of music.

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